We are pleased to know that the proposed R23 (10 minute restriction) parking scheme extension to include Government House Road looks set to be progressed.


Speaking personally, we think it is sensible to include amendments or restrictions in relation to the slip road, going down to the river.


Might any restrictions for that slip road only be limited to an hour, say, to allow for genuine dog walkers, which will have the effect of preventing all day parking (and sometimes longer) by some people?



The issues that we experience in the street, people parking all day and going to work, people parking for a weekend and in one case parking to go away on holiday for a week, are all replicated on the slip- way so I fully understand that you would want to restrict parking on there too.


Obviously restricting parking on the slip-way but not in the street would simply make our situation worse so I am assuming that isn't an option.


I'm not clear if being part of the same decision report means that both areas have to have the same restrictions, I hope not. Personally I think that 60 minutes would be sensible for the slip-way, allowing genuine walkers/dog walkers to go for a stroll whilst stopping people parking for work, but I would hope that the street would be restricted to 10 minutes, as requested.